Alex DiBranco (she/her) is the executive director and co-founder of the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. Her writings on male supremacism and incel terrorism have appeared in the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism Journal and The Public Eye quarterly, a publication of the think tank Political Research Associates. She has provided trainings and advice on male supremacist ideology for social justice organizations such as Western States Center, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and SURJ.
DiBranco has been interviewed about her work by outlets including NPR, The New Republic, the Chicago Tribune, Think Progress, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. She has a chapter in the book News of the Right published by Oxford University Press, drawn from her in-progress dissertation analyzing how the U.S. Right built sustainable infrastructure and political power from the 1970s through 1990s. DiBranco has her Ph.D. in Sociology from Yale University and has been affiliated with the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies and the Dangerous Speech Project.
Emily K. Carian (she/her) is an Assistant Professor at California State University, San Bernardino. She earned her PhD in Sociology from Stanford University. Her research asks what motivates individuals to engage in backlash, or those attitudes and behaviors that work against gender inequality.
Her previous research has used online forum data to examine frame alignment and consensus mobilization in the men’s rights movement. Her dissertation used in-depth interviews to compare men’s pathways into feminism and men’s rights activism and paid special attention to the interconnections between interviewees’ gender, racial, and sexual identities. She is currently is developing a scale to measure agreement with the ideology of the men’s rights movement.
Chelsea Ebin (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Drew University. Her research aims to understand the proactive and forward-looking agendas of right-wing movements to identify better how these movements pose a threat to liberal democratic institutions and the provision of rights to historically underrepresented and oppressed groups. Her research and teaching are informed by a commitment to challenging supremacism, and she teaches a range of courses examining how structural inequalities in US political institutions, including the law, are produced, maintained, and challenged. She is the author of The Radical Mind: The Origins of Right-wingCatholic and Protestant Coalition Building (University Press of Kansas, 2024).
Pierce Dignam (he/him) is a fifth-year PhD candidate at Florida State University’s Department of Sociology. He studies the intersection of social movements, gender, collective identity, and politics in the digital age. His recent work focuses on the social movement dynamics of semi-anonymous Alt-Right spaces on Reddit, an analysis of the working-class appeals made by Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign, and an investigation into Trump’s supporters political allegiance based on cultural understandings of masculinity and anti-establishment politics.
His work has appeared in publications such as Race, Gender and Class, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, and Men and Masculinities.
Megan Kelly (she/her) is a PhD student researching radicalization narratives into male supremacist movements. She is particularly interested in identity formation, misogynist ideologies, and relations between different male supremacist identities.
Greta Jasser is a research associate at Georg-August-University Göttingen and a PhD candidate at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Her research analyses the nexus of far- right and male supremacist social movements and technology. She is particularly interested in alternative platforms and their significance for group and ideology formation as well as in the field of digital (counter)publics and platform governance.